Pinelake #1712 9/30/23 AssWeGo

The hash with no anagrams in the English language.
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double suck
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2023 2:40 am

Pinelake #1712 9/30/23 AssWeGo

Post by double suck »

Saturday! Saturday! Saturday!

Ass We Go is our hare (RE-DO!), and the start is the Kroger, 1310 Powers Ferry Road, Marietta 30067. Note that this is NOT the Ass We Kroger.

Rumors of a turkey/ eagle split, beer stop, and/ or a visit from Bionic Shiggy Pitts!

The trail is A to B, and it is a Pinelake trail, so we gather at 2:00, off at 2:30 . . . or so. It's BYOB and costs two bucks for water, snacks, hare beer.
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