Peachtree Pub Crawl, Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Atlanta Mother Hash
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Peachtree Pub Crawl, Thursday, July 4, 2024

Post by DebbieDoesDigits »

Hi Everyone!

Not to undermine Davey's AH4 trail this Saturday (which will be awesome, as always!), but we wanted to let you know that the Peachtree Pub Crawl is happening once again this year on the 4th of July! OTR is working out the details & we are planning to post by early next week, so stay tuned!
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Joined: Wed Jun 28, 2023 6:46 pm

Re: Peachtree Pub Crawl, Thursday, July 4, 2024

Post by DebbieDoesDigits »

From OTR:

AGAIN! Several times now! Since when Shiggy Pitts popped into a Pub mid-race and bought a round for he and three other hashers way back 198X!

DIRECTIONS: As we know: Marta is Smarta, BuckNoggin Station is closest, beware of R@cists, be polite with the cops, insist that you are spectating only and must exit to Peachtree Street. Head down course to just BEFORE the 1-mile marker where:

GATHER 0700 at 3179 Ptree, MoonDogs/PinkMartini (across from Peachtree Methodist)
on-out/depart 0720
(we gotta get out early or we get kicked out by the cleaning crew)
Join the Crawl En Route, or listen for the mayhem on your police scanner:

BS START, 3197 Ptree, depart 0720
BS Fellinis, 2809, depart 0800
BS Eiffel Tower, 2300 dpt 0845 (Pinelake = clothing optional)
BS Black Bear Tavern, 1931 dpt 0920 (bring $ for this stop)
BS Grassy knoll (get your BWANA ANA) 1529 dpt 1000
BS OLPM, 1221 dpt 1030 (TBD? Maybe we demand beers from the spectators?) Due to logistics, we will carry what we can!
Take 14th to Piedmont Park, cross active oval, cross Gazebo bridge, cross top of Meadow, look for 550 Cresthill Dr, look for Hashers, END

Note: The end is not covered. Hopefully the weather cooperates! There will be beer & orange food at the end.

Cost: $5. Give to JLD or hares at beginning or end.

On after: Bring your ideas & we can decide then. Since the closing of the Highlander, we haven’t been able to come up with anything similar. Please let us know if you have ideas for future July 4th on afters.

Watch this space for additional info/changes. Debbie/OTR for questions.
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