Celebrating Double Suck's 13th Anal-versary!

The hash with no anagrams in the English language.
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double suck
Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Jun 09, 2023 2:40 am

Celebrating Double Suck's 13th Anal-versary!

Post by double suck »

Some social media conglomerate that has been tracking me reminded me that 13 years ago, I announced to the internet that I did my "first 'hash' today with Pinelake Hash House Harriers," and I reported, "That was kind of awesome!"

Happy Hashiversary to me!

For my present to myself, since I've been in Pinelake mismanagement for about a dozen of these intervening years, I'm retiring (for now) from hare-raiser and RA of Pinelake. I had already decided this and told Shiggy, but this seems like an opportune moment to announce more broadly.

No drama, just everyone deserves to be able to attend with no responsibilities but having a good time and not being an asshole! I'll work on that.


I'm happy to help you learn, but if this half-mind can do it, so can you! If you can't/ won't help organize, at least sign up to hare sometime. It's one of my favorite parts of hashing! Happy to help you learn that, too.

Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:17 pm

Re: Celebrating Double Suck's 13th Anal-versary!

Post by MotherSucker »

When is the party?
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