Brand-new, one last time

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Too Limp Clover
Posts: 46
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:54 am

Brand-new, one last time

Post by Too Limp Clover »

So, to cut loose from GoDaddy hosting for real, and avoid the mean Daddy overlords from clobbering our website whenever they feel like it, we have moved our website ONE MORE (LAST) TIME, and that includes these Yap Yap forums.

YES, you will have to register AGAIN, one more (last) time. It was too much of a pain in the butt to try migrating the few people who have registered, and the few posts that have been made. This is a Brave New World, except without all the dystopian stuff, hopefully.

If you have any problems registering, or in general, drop an email to Too Limp Clover at drewbuoy~α

We will probably, perhaps, eventually, be able to restore the content from the previous years of Yap Yap postings, but the priority right now is to get back Up And Running.

Similarly, actual Web Pages with Information will start re-appearing as we get a chance to design them. For now, do please keep posting your very useful hash run plans into the Yap Yap rooms, and if you have an admin login DO add them to the admin framework too, because they'll start appearing soon as Upcoming Hashes. Same with stats, etc. etc.

So, start yer bitchin' and get back outta the kitchen!

Big thanks to Piggy, too, for his years of webmin service and helping with the data to get this stuff moved over.

Thanks for your patience.
-- Too Limp
big bore
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Joined: Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:18 pm

Re: Brand-new, one last time

Post by big bore »

Appreciate the good work, Too Limp!

Just one whine: We are the Hash House Harriers, not the Hash House, as it says on the web page. The Hash House was the nickname for the mess hall in Malaysia where in 1938 the founders had the idea to form a harrier club, which they called the Hash House Harriers. /H3history
Too Limp Clover
Posts: 46
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:54 am

Re: Brand-new, one last time

Post by Too Limp Clover »

Well I did put the word "Atlanta" before it ... but I see your point. I'll update it ... I think I wasn't sure exactly where that text would APPEAR when I was setting up the fields, so I kept it short :mrgreen:
Too Limp Clover
Posts: 46
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:54 am

Re: Brand-new, one last time

Post by Too Limp Clover »

OK, done.
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