Wheelhopper # 496 h3 Tres AMigOs 10/15/2023
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:59 pm
Wheelhopper h3 Tres AMigOs
Urban Assault
Hares: Phuckeye, In My Behind, Lawn Cut Dong
Where: Brownwood Park in EAV
Cost $10.00
When: Sunday 10/15/2023
Time : 1p roll out 1:30
What? Come out for a ride around the city. This will be ANY bike friendly: fat, skinny, beach, hybrid. Trail is A2A prime. 2 Beer stops are self supported so bring your credit card. Food, beer, snacks will be at the end. There is a hot tub at the end but you must rinse off before you enter you filthy animals! Bring the usual stuff like dry clothes dry bag... blah blah bla
Urban Assault
Hares: Phuckeye, In My Behind, Lawn Cut Dong
Where: Brownwood Park in EAV
Cost $10.00
When: Sunday 10/15/2023
Time : 1p roll out 1:30
What? Come out for a ride around the city. This will be ANY bike friendly: fat, skinny, beach, hybrid. Trail is A2A prime. 2 Beer stops are self supported so bring your credit card. Food, beer, snacks will be at the end. There is a hot tub at the end but you must rinse off before you enter you filthy animals! Bring the usual stuff like dry clothes dry bag... blah blah bla