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Wheelhopper # 496 h3 Tres AMigOs 10/15/2023

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:59 pm
by fuckeye
Wheelhopper h3 Tres AMigOs
Urban Assault
Hares: Phuckeye, In My Behind, Lawn Cut Dong
Where: Brownwood Park in EAV
Cost $10.00
When: Sunday 10/15/2023
Time : 1p roll out 1:30
What? Come out for a ride around the city. This will be ANY bike friendly: fat, skinny, beach, hybrid. Trail is A2A prime. 2 Beer stops are self supported so bring your credit card. Food, beer, snacks will be at the end. There is a hot tub at the end but you must rinse off before you enter you filthy animals! Bring the usual stuff like dry clothes dry bag... blah blah bla