BSH3 #915 - Too Limp limps again!!

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Too Limp Clover
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:54 am

BSH3 #915 - Too Limp limps again!!

Post by Too Limp Clover »

You can do as much denial, anger, and bargaining as you want, but this Sunday it's ... Acceptance Trail!!

That's right, put all your troubles in your old kit bag, and plan on losing your bag on trail. Or your mind. Or the pack.

When: Sunday February 23. Gather at 12:30PM, if you're into that kinky showing up with time to spare thing. On-out 0 hours and 30 minutes later at 1PM. For the HARE. You reprobates better give me 10 minutes.

Where: Evans Mill Ruins Walking Trail (Apologies to Dick C Cup for "borrowing" her location. :))

Oh ... parking spots are a bit limited, so if you have a car that can park more creatively on the grassy areas, go for it.

What to expect: A total, unflagging, unremediated ... great time! Spell check suggests I meant unpremeditated, but I don't know how it knew that.

What to bring: Your old kit bag. Trail is dog friendly (not sure about humans). The usual: change of clothes, chair, that $50 you owe me.

$10 ... unless you owe more (note to self). Oh wait, I'm the hare! Still just $10!
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