(Re)Inaugural SoCo Hash 2/28 at 7pm

Friday night lights, with shiggy.
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(Re)Inaugural SoCo Hash 2/28 at 7pm

Post by HMATBITWArfArf »

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Are you a femme or ally? Do you enjoy huddling around a fire while drinking an adult beverage after a shiggy trail? Do you want more hashing in your life?

If you answered “yes” to ALL of these questions*, mark your calendar for February 28th to attend the grand rebirth of SoCo. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Southern Coven hash is here to fill your empty (calendar) slot with a wild ride through the untamed (Atlanta) bush under the covers (of darkness) on the fourth Friday of every month.

Meet at 7pm, out at 7:30pm. Trail will be at least moderately shiggy. Bring a headlamp, change of clothes/shoes, $5 for an adult beverage or two, a chair for campfire circle sitting, and your fav circle song that subverts the patriarchy. Start address TBD, but it will be somewhere in metro ATL.

*Not a femme and unsure if you’re an ally? You’re probably an ally if you believe in the following concepts and demonstrate that through your actions:
- Women are people
- The patriarchy is bullshit and harms everyone
- Enthusiastic consent is a minimum requirement in interpersonal interactions
- Bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right
Still not sure? Ask Double Suck, Arf Arf, Ramaho, Pee Blossom, Virgin Mother, and/or Tits Don’t Fit.

Is it a coincidence that Arf Arf’s birthday is February 28th and just so happens to coincide with SoCo’s resurrection? Of course not. Come celebrate with your favorite witches and let’s get this thing kicked off with a bang!
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