George's for an actual r*n

Hashes outside of metro Atlanta.
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Too Limp Clover
Posts: 64
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:54 am

George's for an actual r*n

Post by Too Limp Clover »

OK, technically not an "other area hash" but let's not get hasty and kick off a whole new board ...

Anyway, Always Comes First is gamely endeavoring to revive the George's Wednesday run tradition. Apparently it never totally died off, in the sense that there was always a hasher there drinking beer, and there was one brave local non-hasher who just ran on his own every week and wondered what happened to us all ...

Where was I? Oh yes, 7:15PM, George's on North Highland Ave ... if you feel like an actual r*n, ACF and Too Limp will be lumbering and limping off, respectively, and who knows what might snowball from there? Come on out and pretend it's the 80's all over again!
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