2/2/24 Southern Sluts in Comfortable Tutus

Friday night lights, with shiggy.
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Too Limp Clover
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Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:54 am

2/2/24 Southern Sluts in Comfortable Tutus

Post by Too Limp Clover »

👯🩰 Git yer tutus on yer bootys!

It's a mashup of all your favorite square roots of four: TUTU trail, TWO Limp Clover, DOUBLE Suck, 2/2/2024, TWO miles, times TWO, but also TOO long ... and just to squeeze it in, Tits Don't Fit has TWO boobs, and NEITHER of them fit, even individually! Oh, and there will to TWO gumbos, one for vagrants, I think they are called. And in what is fast becoming an anal tradition, our chief twin-bearer, DOUBLE Rub Her, will be staging a surprise, yet repeat, NON appearance!

Hares: DOUBLE Suck, TWO Limp, & Tits (of which there are two) Don’t Fit
Start: Get yer taxes undone at HRBlock, 3500 N Decatur Rd # 107, Scottdale, GA 30079
Time: 7:30PM TWO Hares/Prima Ballerinas prance out
BIpolar features: Dr Jekyll beer stop, MR HYDE shiggy. Walkers never fear, we can provide you with special ass-istance (asses have TWO butt cheeks!) to survive (aka avoid) the SOCO bit. We know you like it more SLUTty than SOCO.
End: 🏡TLC & TDF -- Do Not show up early to the end: there will be only feral cats and tits - TWO of them!
234 Ivy Glen Circle,
Avondale Estates, GA 30002
Cost: $10
Food: Cajun Gumbo full of cholesterol + new-age Vegan Gumbo of black eyed peas & okra
Bring: Cum IN a tutu… bring a tutu to change into - yes, TWO TUTUS!!
If it’s still cold we will have a firepit🔥🪵 out back.

Our house has 3 🐈🐈‍⬛🐈 so take your meds and don’t leave the door open. Please don’t show up early to the end lol. (Yes, we said it TWO times.) ("lol" = levels of laceration)
Tits Don't Fit
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:55 am

Re: 2/2/24 Southern Sluts in Comfortable Tutus

Post by Tits Don't Fit »

NO DOGS. NO DOGS. NO DOGS... at the ending.

(Mrs. Bojangles has TSA pre-check and will be in attendance)

Much appreciated,
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